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Shrek comes to The Horse Trust

Shrek is a 17.3hh, 17 year old gelding who has retired to The Horse Trust after serving with the City of London Police for 8 years. Gorgeous grey Shrek patrolled the City of London streets and his duties ranged from helping local nursery school children safely cross the road to policing riots and football matches.  He has also led lots of ceremonies including the Queens Pageant at the Royal Windsor Horse Show 2012 and he was the mount for a salute to the Queen on her arrival to the City for the Jubilee Celebrations.

During his time with City of London Police he became an outstanding police horse. He patrolled the City of London streets on a regular basis for 8 years including night duties and New Years Eve. He became well known by local residents and business people. His name Trader came from the London Stock exchange, who officially named him after his training was complete.

The Charter House Lane Nursery adopted him and he regularly went to meet them whilst on patrol to stop the traffic so the children could cross the road to their playground.

As well as usual patrol work, Shrek was  a consistent and rock solid public order horse. This included being out on the streets as public reassurance, directing distressed members of the public after the London Bombings in 2005 and more recently, the G20 summit disorder at Bank Junction, the Student demonstrations and the London riots in 2011.

He was a popular ceremonial horse, all be it  not at the very front of bands! In 2012  he led the Queens Pageant at the Royal Windsor show ground and was  the mount for a salute to the Queen on her arrival into the city for the Jubilee celebrations.

He completed an 8-week tour of duty for the Olympics  and with the Assistant Commissioner attended  “trooping the colour,” the only city horse and rider to have ever been asked. Every year he has been in the Lord Mayors parade and in the last 4 has been at the very front leading the parade with the Assistant Commissioner.

Shrek truly was an outstanding police horse and a pleasure to work with. Being a sensitive sole he put all his trust, and gained his confidence from, the officers that trained him and the other horses around him. His favourite stable mate was a grey called Finn and they often worked operations as a pair. They were stabled next to each other and grazed near each other. It was thought they might be retired together but Finn has a bit more to do and it is hoped he will go back to his original owner this Spring. Regarding Shrek, The City of London Police said.

” He is a wonderful character and will fit in with any horse group. He has worked with and grazed with mares and geldings and is totally submissive in the field. Due to his age and wear and tear he is slowing down now and at times can look tired. However he will still have a run about and a play with others and I hope he has a good few years of happy field rest in his well-earned retirement.

City of London Police mounted branch will be very sad to see him go and we will do our best to raise some funds for The Horse Trust. We are all extremely grateful for the place at The Horses Trust and we’re sure Shrek will have lots of visitors and gain a whole new fan base.”

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