Spring Appeal

As we head into Spring, we are asking your help as we support nine horses and ponies on the next stage of their recovery journey.
Sven, Olaf and seven of their friends are receiving specialist rehabilitation treatment at The Horse Trust, after they were rescued from a small family run business claiming to provide equine-assisted therapy sessions for vulnerable people.
Watch the video to learn more about their story.
Intended to bring joy into people’s lives, no one could have expected the awful nightmare these animals were living behind closed doors.
Left fending for themselves, with no food or water in burning heat, these gentle souls were slowly starving and suffering in pure agony.
Poor little Olaf was one of the most emaciated ponies, a far cry from the round, healthy stature he should have been. Large chunks of his coat were missing from his back and down his legs, causing him great pain.
His best friend Sven was so weak from neglect that he was lying lifeless on the ground, terrified and simply fighting for his life when found by a partner charity’s welfare officer.
Some of the others in the herd had coats matted with remnants of paint left behind from children’s parties, causing them extreme discomfort.
Now, The Horse Trust has stepped in to take Sven, Olaf, Darth Vader, Walter, Spartan, Freddo, Kahlo, Sam, and Shadow into our long-term care and help them with the second part of their journey to recovery.
Our dedicated team remain devoted to giving these sweet horses and ponies the best start this spring towards a happy and healthy future.
Healing from such trauma takes time and lots of resource. Your support is vital in ensuring they continue to receive the care and attention necessary for their wellbeing.