For this month’s edition of Hay There, we had a chat with Natalie, one of…

Nervous Melman Makes His Way To The Horse Trust
On the 1st November The Horse Trust welcomed a new arrival from Thames Valley Police. Otto, a 17 year old bay gelding, has a slightly nervous disposition and was nicknamed Melman by his officers, after the scared giraffe from the film ‘Madagascar’..
Police work can be very stressful for horses, both mentally and physically. It is important to realise that the working horses in our community have a vital role. They are no different from our human officers and put themselves at risk on a daily basis. Melman’s former rider described him as “never being the bravest horse but has always stepped up to the plate when needed at busy football matches and demonstrations.” During his time with the Thames Valley Police, Melman took part in some very challenging activities. He helped police many Premiership and Championship football matches and was a part of the patrol during the London riots in 2011. His last operational duty was providing the security at the Olympic Games at Eton Dorney in August 2012.
Most police horses have never seen a Shetland pony before and when they arrive here are usually petrified of these tiny ponies. So when Melman, who is scared of most things, arrived at The Horse Trust we thought he’d be no different. However Melman’s new best friend is none other than Shetland pony George. We think that veteran George is giving Melman some wise words to help combat his nerves and settle into his new home. Given time and some gentle encouragement we hope that Melman will no longer need to breathe in to a paper bag.
To show your support for Melman and all of the other police horses, please sign our police horse pledgebook.
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