Horse Trust resident, retired Metropolitan Police horse, Oliver. Photo credits: Christine Dunnington Photography Is it…
Sparrow has his eye operation
So, it was finally time for Jack Sparrow to have that pesky deformed eye removed. Sparrow came to us with Inca Dove (pregnant with Phoenix) and Puffin who sadly lost her foal. Of the three, all abandoned on a roadside in Somerset, Sparrow was in the worst state as you can see in his admission photo. Painfully thin and riddled with every parasite imaginable, this little boy had an uphill battle.
He has had a number of challenges along the way, but our vets now believe that it’s time to remove his eye. It’s a defect caused by a congenital deformity and it’s almost certain he has never had any vision in it. Best to take it out so it doesn’t pose an infection risk in the future. So, fingers and toes were crossed for Sparrow when a team of vets arrived to perform the surgery on site, so he didn’t have to go to hospital. We all wished the little man good luck, hoping this is his final hurdle to overcome.
It was great news. He did really well and so have the team of wonderful vets from Hall Place Equine. The operation to remove his deformed eye was a complete success and vet Nicky felt he deserved a well-done kiss afterwards!
We’ve used the techno wizardry of photo shop to give him his pirate’s eye patch in the photo as the wound is perfect but not something you might want to see for a few days. It rather suits him! Maybe one day he’ll get a real one!
Kisses all round for Sparrow!!
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