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October 2022


Greater Manchester Police


Parker Working

Parker Retired

Parker, lovingly nicknamed Piggy after his signature happy squeal, has joined us after 10 years with the Greater Manchester Police.

Piggy was a regular at a variety of events during his career including Manchester City and United Derby days, their home coming events and other high profile football matches. He also took part in the Pride Parade in the city centre, community relations work, public order duties and concerts.

He was firmly loved by everyone that met him, officers, grooms and football fans alike. Described as a real character, especially when sporting his signature moustache which gained him some popularity on the Mounted Unit’s Twitter page. This brave and reliable chap, who was renowned for showing the new officers the ropes will be sorely missed by all.

It’s only due to arthritis and being unable to cope with a police horse’s workload that he is being retired for a very well earned rest.


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