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Hat Hair, Don’t Care!

They may not be the latest fashion accessory, but they are there to keep you safe. Forget about hat hair! Recent news articles from many event riders have urged people to make sure owners wear riding hats not just when…

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Trading in traffic for equine training

The Horse Trust recently ran the first two pilot courses for Highways England  which was an extreme success. Horses loose on road networks are a dangerous prospect, both for public safety and equine welfare so these courses hope to improve…

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Micro-chipping Awareness

This month we spent some time making sure all our horses are microchipped. This simple procedure ensures that all our horses easily identifiable, should they be lost or stolen. First the horse is scanned to check that it does not…

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Handling difficult horses

Equine Behaviour Modification Techniques

On the 25th and 26th November 2014 The Horse Trust will be running two new, one day CPD courses for equine veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses on equine behaviour modification techniques. Practitioners can enhance their skills in handling difficult horses…

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Information for Worming Feature

Due to the growing problem of drug-resistant worms, people are advised to take a more informed and strategic approach when worming their horse. Small redworms (cyathostomins) are the most important parasite affecting horses. But overuse of worming drugs has led…

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