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Waitrose Beaconsfield has donated over £300 to The Horse Trust

Waitrose customers in Beaconsfield raise over £300 for The Horse Trust

The Horse Trust has been presented with a cheque for £333 from Waitrose Beaconsfield as a result of their Community Matters Scheme in October 2013.
Community Matters

Customers were given a token at the end of their shop in which to place in the box of a good cause they would like to support. Thanks to the generosity of the shoppers at Waitrose, Alison Lambert of Waitrose Beaconsfield was able to present a cheque worth £333 to The Horse Trust this week.

Thank You

At this challenging time, The Horse Trust would like to thank Waitrose and all of their customers for their kind support. Just before Christmas, tiny Hamish arrived at the Trust. This two-year-old miniature Shetland was abandoned in Bedfordshire with what was later discovered to be a broken pelvis. Hamish will now have a lifetime of sanctuary at The Horse Trust but it will be many months before his injury will heal. Hamish’s vets are hopeful that he will in time be completely pain free.

Help Hamish Today

The money received from Waitrose in Beaconsfield will help The Horse Trust provide everything that little Hamish needs to be comfortable for the rest of his life. If you would like to help Hamish, you can do so by sponsoring him from £2 a month. To find out more follow this link or call 01494 488464.

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