Horse Trust resident, retired Metropolitan Police horse, Oliver. Photo credits: Christine Dunnington Photography Is it…
Spotlight on Trojan
Today’s spotlight is dedicated to our lovely Trojan I (Now we have two!). Trojan first came to The Horse Trust in January 2013 from the Essex Police Mounted Section, after it was sadly disbanded in 2012.
Trojan served four years with Police Essex undertaking daily policing duties. He even served at premiership football matches and assisted in helping at the London 2012 Olympics, where he even met David Beckham! Trojan also played a massive part in managing the London riots and various marches in Brighton, Peterborough as well as in the capital. In these years, he was fondly known as either Mr T or The Trojanator!!
It was clear when Trojan arrived at The Horse Trust that he was quite the gentleman! He was very fond of his human company but not so much other horses, especially loose in the field. This made life for Trojan quite the challenge and it was our job to make sure that he felt comfortable in his environment. A bigger challenge came when we discovered that Trojan needed two surgeries for cracked teeth and a severe, persistent sinus infection. Which we found puzzling because before his diagnosis, Trojan never turned down a meal or food! Fortunately, Trojan’s treatments were fairly straight forward and he made a full and healthy recovery. After he recovered, it was clear that at 14 years old, he still had plenty of vim and vigour in him and so was subsequently loaned from the Horse Trust to the Metropolitan Mounted Police (MET). He then served for a further 3 exemplary years as an operational police horse. Trojan not only had difficulty being turned out with other horses but he also needed an open air stable for a mild breathing problem and the MET’s Hammersmith stable’s were perfect for this. He made a huge impression on his first day at the MET after deciding to shut his rider in the tack room by wedging his bottom in the door so they couldn’t get out! He was definitely loved and adored by all who met and knew him in his Essex and MET working days. Trojan was also very well known to the public and around the areas he policed due to his sheer size at 17.2hh and of course, his strikingly handsome looks!
Trojan is a very special horse to us and we love him dearly! He loves his humans and nothing ever has or ever phases him! He really is one cool cookie. We’re also pleased to say that now at his older age, he has definitely mellowed and not so worried about other horses in his space! However, he still keeps everyone in the field in check … Some things never change.
Spotlight on Trojan – where to find out more
Read more about Trojan I here.
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