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RIP Bud the Brave


We almost can’t believe we are writing this so soon after we lost our dear Iceini. It is with a heavy heart that very suddenly we had to say our final goodbyes to Bud, aged 21, who retired to The Horse Trust in 2019 after 14 years of loyal public service.

Bud the Brave

RIP Bud the BraveBud was an extremely handsome 17.1hh dark Bay Shire X who started what would be a long and fruitful career with West Yorkshire Police back in 2005. Throughout his career Bud was involved with all the aspects of mounted policing, the good, the bad and, as we know, the occasionally ugly face of public gatherings including local patrols, ceremonial events, public demonstrations and countless sporting events. Most horse lovers will remember how shocked they were on seeing West Yorkshire Police horse Bud, being punched on the nose by a drunken football fan at a Newcastle vs Sunderland derby match back in April 2013. Thankfully the perpetrator received a 12 month prison sentence and Bud was unharmed during the incident. Not many horses would be able to bounce straight back to work after this incident but with his calm and steady temperament Bud did just that.

In 2015 he was transferred to the Metropolitan Mounted Branch. By the time Bud the Brave had settled into life in London it was clear that his skill, calmness and experience meant he was ideal to help teach police officers to ride, especially as an escort horse, escorting new and inexperienced horses in training out on the roads. Even this survivor couldn’t go on for ever and after 14 years on the beat in the length and breadth of the country, ongoing issues with lameness caught up with him and he retired to the beautiful Chiltern Hills in 2019, aged 20.

A Short but Sweet Retirement

His groom’s first memory of Bud’s arrival was being dragged to the nearest patch of lush grass….and how can you say no to that face! Always sweet natured andkind he would wait patiently for his breakfast keeping all his field buddies in check whenever they misbehaved – once a police horse always a police horse. Bud still adored people and was always the first at the gate for a kiss on the snoot or good scratch and a cuddle. Unfortunately Bud was found in his field suffering from severe colic. The situation was assessed but even with heavy pain relief he wasn’t able to get up, so the very difficult but kindest decision was made to put him to sleep. Both his arrival at The Horse Trust and recent passing has garner

ed a lot of media attention from the BBC, Sky News, The Mirror ,The Sun, The Daily Star and other local outlets, which just shows what a magnificent and brave being he was!

Goodnight, Bud

Bud it was an absolute honour and a privilege to retire you from your years of dedication to public service and order. You were one of the bravest four-legged souls we have ever met and had the pleasure of caring for. Your sweet nature and kind face will never be forgotten – we just so wish we could have had you with us for longer but it wasn’t to be. Gorgeous boy your duty is done. Stand down and rest easy in paradise with your buddies – if anyone deserves it it’s you.

Read more about Bud’s story.


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