Sometimes, the passing of a beloved superstar comes completely unexpectedly. This happened with dear Rupert,…

RIP Beau
We are incredibly saddened to announce the passing of former Ebony Horse Club superstar pony, Beau, at the age of 20.
Beau retired to us in 2018 after a fantastic career working at The Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Here Beau helped raise the education, life skills, well-being and aspirations of young people from disadvantaged communities in the area, through riding and horse care. He was described by Ebony Horse Club as ‘a fantastic pony and giving in all ways.’ Beau took part in many showjumping events, where he won every competition he entered and looked after his young rider so carefully. It was after several years of service in the city that it was decided Beau had earned a well-deserved retirement in the beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside.
We spent three wonderful years caring for Beau at The Horse Trust. Three years that were filled with love, affection and lots of cuddles. Our adorable pony enjoyed nothing more than lots of fuss and attention and was usually the first to be seen at the gate in his field patiently waiting for his breakfast each morning. Beau was such a special pony and friends with everyone – he really did enjoy the company of all humans and horses. He loved to be groomed and enjoyed spending time in his field with fellow resident Teddy. It just won’t be the same, greeting his former field friends and not seeing Beau’s loving face popping over the gate to say hello. We are so incredibly saddened and we all miss him so much.
Beau sadly suffered from severe arthritis in his hocks, a condition which progressed quite quickly last year. He was lovingly managed by our team and had lots of different treatments in order to keep him comfortable. We were devastated when recently Beau reached a point where we were unable to keep him free from pain and we had to make the heart-breaking decision to say goodbye.
Our kind-hearted and affable pony was a friend to so many at The Horse Trust. He was just the most sweet, loving soul who made us smile every time we would see him. Beau, you had a wonderful career helping so many young people and impacting so many lives for the better. We have been honoured to provide you with even more love and happiness in retirement and we know you are now galloping free over the rainbow bridge, pain free. Sleep tight Beau, you really were one superstar pony.
Thankyou to everyone at the Horse trust, reading what you have written about Beau is so true he will always have a special place in my heart ❤️
We’re all so sad at Ebony but we can’t thank you enough for the care and love you gave to this very special pony in his retirement. He was a one off. Such a character.
Aww so very sad, beautiful boy 🙁 Thankyou Horse Trust for the lovely life you gave him and continue to do for all those special horses and donkeys xx