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April 2024


Household Cavalry


Kimberly Working

Kimberly Retired

Kimberley has been a stalwart of the regiment for many years. In that time, she has shown nothing but faithful service and deserves to continue to remain in the public eye as a testament to the kind nature of horses.

Kimberly spent 14 years in the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, during which she participated in all the activities required of a Cavalry horse, including Trooping the Colour, both royal weddings and the Diamond and Platinum Jubilee celebrations to name a few.

A testament to her incredible temperament for the job, during the Diamond Jubilee Pageant an entire division of 25 horses entered the main arena at Windsor. As the crowd erupted in a crescendo of cheers and clapping, 24 of these horses began to spook and shy. Kimberley was the only horse to stand firm and allow her rider to carry his sword in salute to Her Majesty.

“Kimberley has been a stalwart of the regiment for many years. In that time, she has shown nothing but faithful service and deserves to continue to remain in the public eye as a testament to the kind nature of horses,” said a spokesperson for the Household Cavalry, following Kimberly’s retirement.

At 20 years old, Kimberly began to struggle with lameness issues and was no longer able to carry out her duties. However, after her amazing service for the nation, we were ecstatic to take her into our care and allow her the best retirement a horse could hope for!

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