The Horse Trust is very lucky to have a senior team with a wealth of experience and skills, enabling us to help horses, ponies and donkeys in a myriad of ways. Meet some of our key people.

Jeanette Allen
Jeanette is a chartered director who began her career in the commercial sector, setting up and running her own successful recruitment business. After the sale of the business she moved to the charity sector as a fundraiser for the NSPCC and later Bart’s Hospital before becoming the CEO of the MedicAlert Foundation.
Jeanette became the CEO of The Horse Trust in 2010 where she has undertaken a strategic review of the Trust’s charitable aims and objectives and also implemented a major re-development project at the charity’s base, the Home of Rest for Horses, in Buckinghamshire.
Carolyn Madgwick
Carolyn joined The Horse Trust in 2016 having spent 27 years as a Senior Trading Standards Officer leading a team of officers specialising in the enforcement of animal health and welfare legislation. At The Horse Trust, Carolyn maintains her level of expertise in legislation, develops training materials and provides training and advice on legislation for many audiences including the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Vets and other equine charities. She is the current Chair of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC), the British Horse Council representative on the RCVS Riding Establishments Sub-Committee and represents the Trust on many other committees and in meetings with Government Officials.
Charlotte Launder
Charlotte has more than 20 years’ experience working with horses and has been at The Horse Trust since 2012. Prior to this Charlotte worked as a lecturer at an agricultural college during her PGCE teaching students in Further and Higher Education. As the Director of Training, she coordinates internal and external training courses. This includes training the Equine Care Team internally and externally, training Emergency Responders, Welfare Professionals, Farriers, and other professionals. Charlotte also manages the retraining of horses at The Horse Trust using behaviour modification techniques and is working towards becoming a Clinical Animal Behaviourist to support this.
Claire Lett
Claire has been a qualified accountant for over 20 years. Having joined The Horse Trust in 2001, Claire is the Director of Finance and Administration where she deals with everything financial up to and including full statutory accounts. As part of the senior management team she has also been involved in all aspects of modernising the charity and setting and achieving its strategic goals. Claire was a dedicated rider and horse owner for many years and feels passionately about all animals.
David Andrews
David is one of the longest standing members of The Horse Trust team. After working as a chef for a period of time, he joined The Horse Trust in 1998 as an estate worker. David is now the Estate Manager, and takes care of all maintenance of our 280 acre estate including ensuring that the fields in which our horses, ponies and donkeys live are well maintained, that they are secure and provides our residents with the best possible environment.
Gemma Pearson
Gemma combines her time between research and outreach as Director of Equine Behaviour at The Horse Trust and running a referral clinic for clinical equine behaviour cases where she is based at the University of Edinburgh. She is also an accredited racecourse veterinary surgeon and enjoys working at Musselburgh racecourse. After working in ambulatory practice Gemma moved to the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies where she completed a rotating residency programme in the equine hospital, completing her Cert AVP (EM), alongside an MScR investigating horse veterinarian interactions. Subsequently she completed her CCAB (certified clinical animal behaviourist) and her PhD thesis ‘Stress in equids undergoing veterinary care and the development of interventions that positively influence the horses’ experience’. As well as continuing with her own research she supervises several students at PhD, MSc and undergraduate level. Gemma is frequently invited to lecture internationally, as a recognised expert in this field…
Jan Rogers
Jan is a psychology graduate who before joining The Horse Trust spent 15 years with British Equestrian, the UK governing body for horse sports, running programmes to identify future talent in young performance horses. Jan came to The Horse Trust in 2017 to look after research grants and policy for the horse world. This two-part role involves sharing the knowledge learned from funded projects as well as understanding regulations and the political environment in the horse world, so that the research we fund is relevant and directly applicable to the wellbeing of horses.
Jim Green
Jim co-founded the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Association (BARTA) in 2012 and together with Professor Josh Slater, promoted the growing initiative alongside their regular careers. BARTA was established with a clear vision to support first responders in the resolution of emergency situations involving animals, with informed, safe and welfare driven plans. In 2019, BARTA became a subsidiary of The Horse Trust and this partnership enabled Jim to continue the journey as full time Director of BARTA. Jim continues to respond operationally to animal incidents through his on-call role as an Animal Rescue Specialist with Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Liane Preshaw
In her role, Liane supports the team by researching new developments in how we care for, manage and train horses, so that we can continue to update and improve our practices, and therefore improve the welfare of the horses in our care. Liane also develops training resources for trainee clinical animal behaviourists and assists the team in dealing with behaviour cases. Liane has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Animal Behaviour, an MPhil in assessing horse welfare, and an MSc and BSc in Equine Science. She is an ABTC registered Accredited Animal Behaviourist and has achieved pre-certification as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist, which means she has met the knowledge criteria for this role. Liane continues to develop her clinical skills and is working towards becoming an ABTC registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist. She is also a BHS Accredited Professional Coach.
Nicola Housby-Skeggs
Nicky graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2007 and joined The Royal Army Veterinary Corps. She served for 10 years: firstly, with Military Working Dogs preparing them and their handlers for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. Later she served as the veterinary officer for The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment with some of The Horse Trust’s most loved residents including the late Falstaff and Captain Greatgun. She now works as the Veterinary Director for The Horse Trust providing both the onsite veterinary provision, internal and external training and providing part of the RVC final year rotations.
Russell Pickin
Before joining The Horse Trust, Russell completed thirty-four years’ service with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). He specialised in public order work as an instructor at the Public Order Training Centre and then the Mounted Branch. As a Mounted Branch Inspector, Russell commanded mounted units on countless public order, large incidents and ceremonial events across London and finished his career riding on and commanding the mounted units at Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. He was the Chairman for the National Mounted Training Advisory Group and also the MPS’s Chief Equitation Officer responsible for buying and training police horses and the training of the MPS’s mounted officers. During this role he developed a good working partnership with The Horse Trust where he is now the Director of Equine Care and heads a team of grooms and volunteers that look after our 130 horses.