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One Good Turn Deserves Another

Here we have double trouble that is Mr Jon Taylor and our resident Gawain. Sergeant Jon Taylor gave 32 years combined service in the Police and Military.

During his service in the Metropolitan Police Mounted Regiment, gorgeous Gawain was issued to his team for 3 years. In this time, Jon and Gawain became great companions, both fearless in volatile and violent situations such as the Cardiff v Chelsea Match in February 2010, which was described by some police officers as the worst football violence they have witnessed since the seventies.  Gawain was medically retired to us in 2011 due to navicular syndrome and five years later we were happy to welcome Jon to our team as an Estate Foreman!  This week Gawain underwent steroid injections to his coffin joint to make him more comfortable, as his joints always suffer this time of year when the ground is hard and normal pain relief didn’t seem to be doing the job. Jon joined him whilst he was being treated to support his companion to repay him for the times Gawain looked after him through his working life.

Jon noted “having had the privilege of riding the ‘Big Man ‘ operationally on the streets of London during major events and day to day policing, it is lovely to know that he is getting  the very best of care during his retirement. Now I’m retired from the Met’s Mounted Branch and working for The Horse Trust I can keep a special eye on him, but no favourites of course!” We will keep you up to date on Gawain’s progress, but we are so glad he has a friendly face and shoulder to lean on (literally) whilst he undergoes his treatment. Keep your fingers crossed for this brave chap.

27.09.16 – Gawain update. He is doing much better since his injections and all his cuddles from Jon.We hope that these injections will continue to keep him comfortable for as long as possible.

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