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Farewell, Handsome Jutland
We are saddened to bring you the news of the passing of Jutland, who retired to us in 2020 from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.
A stunning black Irish Draught, Jutland served the country for 10 long years as part of the Life Guards Squadron. Over his decade of service, Jutland racked up a veritable laundry list of parade appearances, including the late Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday parades between 2010 and 2018, the Lord Mayor’s Show, State Opening of Parliament and many different state visits.
Jutland was retired from duty in 2020 due to ongoing lameness issues. It was a pleasure to accept him into our herd here in the rolling Chiltern Hills to unwind and enjoy the pampered retirement offered uniquely by us at The Horse Trust. Once settled, he made firm friends with another cavalry black named Jupiter, which was tricky for our grooms as they were almost exact twins and sometimes it was hard to know who was who! When he retired to us, it was said that Jutland could have his grumpy days and he certainly carried that attitude into his retirement, keeping our Equine Care Team, Vet and Farrier on their toes and ensuring that he fulfilled the expectations of a retired older chap!
Unfortunately, the lameness issues that led to Jutland’s retirement continued despite him stepping away from his working life. As is the case with all our horses here, Jutland received supreme care and attention from our Equine Care Team and onsite veterinary team to manage his ongoing issues; however, recently his condition worsened and the kindest thing to do was to say goodbye.
As always, this loss will leave a hole in our hearts here at The Horse Trust that is only filled by continuing the tireless work of giving these dedicated equine servants the best care we possibly can. Jutland, your character and spirit will never be matched and we find solace in knowing that you are now running pain free beyond the rainbow bridge. Rest in Peace, Jutland.
The Horse Trust relies on public donations to continue to provide a forever home to retired military, police, Royal Mews and RDA horses. If you would like to be part of our story you can find out how below.
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