We are thrilled to announce that our annual fundraising event on Sunday raised £35,000! The…

The Horse Trust wishes to clarify its position regarding the Green Paper “No Animal Left Behind” (May 2021). Contributions to the publication were provided by the 50 organisations named. The Horse Trust’s expertise lies solely within the equine sector and as such supplied input to the points relating only to horses.
The Horse Trust was a contributor towards the equine policy section of the Green Paper only and its brand is included on this basis. This should not be interpreted to mean that The Horse Trust brand is aligned with all the messaging contained throughout the document.
An unprecedented coalition of 50 animal welfare charities is urging the Government to redefine our relationship with animals through a new animal health and welfare strategy.
The group has today released a report – “Act Now For Animals” – setting out the sector’s priorities for creating a society which rebalances the way we rear, live and work with animals.
Crucial to the paper’s 40 recommendations, which cover everything from the welfare of companion animals, wildlife and exotics to animals reared for food, is the role of the new Animal Sentience Committee. For the Government to fulfill its commitment to recognise animals as sentient beings, the coalition are clear that the committee must have real teeth. It must be independently chaired, made up of the leading animal welfare experts in the country and be able to meaningfully hold Ministers to account.
Chris Sherwood, Chief Executive of the RSPCA, said: “We are hoping to see big announcements for animal welfare this week and this year provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to redefine our relationship with animals – for the benefit of us all.
“The Covid pandemic has laid bare the inextricable link between people, planet, animals, food and health. We are more aware than ever how the way we live our lives impacts climate change and biodiversity. There is a growing realisation throughout society that change is urgent and necessary. Brexit means we are in a position for the first time in nearly 50 years, to set our own trade policy and animal welfare standards for the food we import.
“Piecemeal legislation is no longer an option; we need the Government to provide a clear vision and direction for animal health and welfare through a cohesive and comprehensive new strategy. From right across the animal welfare sector, we have come together to amplify our voices on behalf of animals.”
Jeanette Allen, CEO of The Horse Trust says “There is no doubt we are stronger with one voice and this incredible collaborative effort could effect very real change to government policy and future legislation that protects animals. The Horse Trust is very proud to have taken part and contributed our expertise.”

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