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Winter at The Horse Trust

Winter has truly arrived at The Horse Trust this week. Our Home of Rest for Horses resembles a winter wonderland with frost adorning every surface. Our horses, ponies and donkeys do not seem to mind at all.

Our vet has done a full winter health check on all of our horses and they are doing well. Below zero temperatures mean that those horses that need them have extra rugs to keep them nice and warm and our fields have shelters for extra protection from the cold. The horses even have extra hay and daily feeds to help supplement the winter grass.

Ludovic, a retired army horse who came to us from Melton Mowbray Defence Animal Centre, was so pleased with his big pile of hay that he decided to stake his claim by lying in the middle of it! 28 year old Ludo spent his career training instructors ride and keeps our grooms on their toes as he knows every the trick in the book.  Ludo looked very pleased with himself for proving to us that he is not too old to show us all a new trick or two!

The building works are progressing well and we have already replaced some of our stable blocks. The blocks are being replaced gradually to ensure that we still have stabling available for our horses whilst the building works are taking place.

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