This month we spoke with our wonderful Senior Groom, Lotte. At just 20 years old,…

We’ll miss you, Millie
Rest in peace, Millie
We are incredibly saddened to announce that another of our beloved family members has spread their wings – we had to say our final farewells to the beautiful Millie at the grand age of 26.
We have had the absolute pleasure of having Millie with us for six years after she retired from life as a therapy pony at Heathrow Special Needs Centre. The centre helps people of all ages with special needs and disabilities, to develop and grow in confidence, by working with and being in contact with animals. When Millie was not teaching people to ride, she attended many fundraising events for the centre giving pony rides to raise money. She also loved dressing up and even competed at Royal Windsor Horse Show in the Fancy Dress class! The manager at Heathrow described Millie as ‘perfect’, and it was a sad day when Millie left for her retirement to The Horse Trust.
Marvellous Millie’s Arrival
On arrival, not only was Millie excited for her retirement, but she was also very pleased to see our donkeys, as the ones at Heathrow were her best buddies. She settled into her new life instantly and was soon a favourite to all who cared for her. Millie was cool as a cucumber and was often a calming influence on all her field companions, especially at feeding time. She had a particular fondness for field mate Luna, and they were always seen dozing or waiting for their breakfast patiently together. They would even wicker at each other if one was taken out for feeding! She really was a part of the family – you could always rely on Millie for a cuddle. Her life was not always as quiet as her fellow residents’, as she regularly took part in Horse Trust Training Courses. Her calm and kind nature meant she was the best candidate for helping people learn, and that she did for many years with a little smile on her muzzle!
Millie absolutely loved people so she always thoroughly enjoyed the attention she would get along the way. We are sure a lot of you reading this will also cherish memories of Millie as she was a popular resident who always came into the stables for opening hours. She was a gentle soul who would always pop her head over the door to say hello …and inspect your pockets for treats of course – Stud Muffins were her absolute favourite and she could gobble down a whole packet in seconds! It is true to say that she really will be missed by all who were lucky enough to meet and have known her.
Time To Say Goodbye
Unfortunately, it became clear of late that Millie was suffering with severe and rapid degenerative damage to her suspensory ligament. Despite multiple attempts at treatment by our vet Nicky, it was clear that the treatment wasn’t effective and Millie was in quite significant pain. The kindest thing we could do is to say our final goodbyes.
Millie, we are incredibly proud to have given you your well-deserved retirement. You have made such an impact on so many people’s lives and you will be remembered so fondly. We miss you so much Millie Moo, it’s just not the same without seeing your pretty face waiting at the gate in the mornings – you would always brighten even the dullest of days. We are so lucky that we have so many wonderful memories of you that we will hold close to our hearts forever. Sleep tight precious girl, horsey heaven is calling for an angel.
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