Horse Trust resident, retired Metropolitan Police horse, Oliver. Photo credits: Christine Dunnington Photography Is it…
The return of Trojan
This name may sound familiar to our supporters; the utterly unique Trojan is now back here to stay for his full retirement at The Horse Trust.
Trojan first came to The Horse Trust in January 2013 from the Essex Police Mounted Section, after it was sadly disbanded in 2012. Trojan had served four years with them where he policed Premiership football matches at Norwich City and helped police the London 2012 Olympics, he even met David Beckham! Trojan had also served during the London riots and various marches in Brighton, Peterborough as well as in the capital.
Trojan is a very particular gentleman, when he arrived he made it quite clear that he was not at all fond of the company of other loose horses, far preferring humans. This made him somewhat of a challenge however the bigger challenge came when we discovered he needed two surgeries for cracked teeth and a severe, persistent sinus infection. What had confounded everyone was that before his treatment, he didn’t miss a meal! He is made of such tough stuff that a few cracked teeth, tooth spurs and a nasty infection still couldn’t put him off his food. That’s when we truly understood his police nicknames of Mr T and The Trojanator! After he had fully recovered, it was clear that at 14 years old, he still had plenty of vim and vigour in him and so was subsequently loaned from the Horse Trust to the Metropolitan Police where he served for a further 3 exemplary years as an operational police horse.
Trojan not only had difficulty being turned out with others but he also needed an open air stable for a mild breathing problem and the Met’s Hammersmith stable was perfect for him. Trojan had a lot of people that adored him for his somewhat stubborn character whilst he was at the Met and there are many a story to be told about our Essex boy! On his first day at Met he decided to shut his rider in the tack room by wedging his bottom in the door so they couldn’t get out! Trojan has a reputation for being a little bit grumpy at times and likes to show the other horses who is in charge although now he’s older he’s definitely mellowed around other horses luckily! He was well known around the areas he policed thanks to his sheer size and striking face and despite everything that Trojan has been through; nothing seems to phase this special horse. Well, Trojanator we hope you enjoy your twilight years with us, and former Essex Police stable mate Patrick and we are sure you will keep the other horses in check!
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