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Next week 1st to 7th May is Strangles Awareness Week which is a national week of action calling on equestrians to take temperatures. We know how important this is and are in support of this initiative.

On the 3rd May, join Dr David Marlin in a brand-new conversation about strangles, in Strangles Awareness Week webinar, hosted by World Horse Welfare.

Register to join here ➑️


#SAW2023 #Strangles #webinar #strangleswebinar #worldhorsewelfare @worldhorsewelfare

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Lola & Nora are very excited for the bank holiday weekend - they get an extra day to see all their wonderful supporters... which means extra fuss and scratches! πŸ˜„

Visit us this week, we are open 1pm to 4pm today, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday! Book here on our website, click the link in our bio and select 'Visit Us'

#thehorsetrust #lola #nora #donkeys #donkey #cutedonkeys #horses #foreverhome #rescueanimals #sanctuary #donkeysanctuary #horsesanctuary #bucks #visitus #visitbucks #buckinghamshire #speen #bucksevents

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You may have seen in the news last month, a police horse on duty in London was attacked by a dog and suffered multiple wounds to his chest, torso and legs.
After being treated for his injuries, this brave police horse, Urbane, has now come to our Home of Rest for Horses to continue recovering among the company of our lovely herd in our peaceful sanctuary.
We are honoured to be able to provide respite to a brave, hardworking horse like Urbane and welcome him with open arms and lots of care and attention while he recovers πŸ’š
Read more on Urbane and a message from our CEO on our website by clicking the link in our story


#thehorsetrust #homeofrestforhorses #homeofrest #urbane #urbanepolicehorse #policehorse #bucks #buckinghamshire #sanctuary #horsesanctuary #animalsanctuary #news #urbanenews #london #londonpolicehorses

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