Zara Working

Zara Retired

Zara was originally issued to the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment as a ‘Trooper’ and proved to be extremely lively. For this reason, she was given the name Zara as she resembled the last ‘Zara’ who was sadly killed in the bombing of the Queen’s Life Guard in 1982.
She commenced duties in 1999 and was ridden on The Queen’s Birthday Parade, State Opening of Parliament and performed her daily duties with The Queens Lifeguard. She always had a natural talent for jumping and this was picked up by the Riding Staff. Zara was selected for extra training as a competition horse as well as performing her State Ceremonial duties. She has flown the flag for Military Equitation at many events and has retired due to her age. She has show jumped to Foxhunter level, evented to Novice level and has competed at Olympia.
Zara served for a total of 15 years. Her nickname is “Princess”.