Star Before

Star After

Star arrived at The Horse Trust in January 2008. Fourteen of the sickest horses, ponies and donkeys were brought to The Horse Trust in Buckinghamshire from Spindles Farm, Amersham. This was the scene of the worst case of equine neglect in the UK where over 100 animals were found in the most appalling conditions. At only 8 months old, Star was the youngest pony rescued.
Star was extremely underweight and suffering from a variety of health problems. His body condition was a grave cause for concern as he only weighed 197kg rather than an expected 250kg which would have been normal for a foal of his age. His bones were jutting out of his skinny body and he struggled to walk unaided.
Star made an amazing recovery thanks to the care and love he received at The Horse Trust. Today, Star is backed to drive under harness and participates in many weddings held here. He is a huge part of our family and is very popular with visitors due to his affectionate personality!