Lola & Nora Before

Lola & Nora After

In January 2008, The Horse Trust gave sanctuary to 14 of the sickest horses, ponies and donkeys rescued from the horrors of Spindles Farm in Amersham, described as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty the UK has ever seen.
All 14 required monitoring round the clock as they were severely underweight, depressed, and suffering from a variety of health problems. Lola arrived from Spindles Farm with her foal Nora, who was also suffering from the effects of lack of nutrition and neglect. Luckily, both mother and daughter made a miraculous recovery.
Lola can be a little timid and quite nervous with new people, but with a little encouragement, she will always come and say hello. Nora is the more confident of the pair and is very cheeky! Both girls are often used for various internal and external courses run at The Horse Trust. You will often find them all up to mischief in the donkey paddock!
We absolutely adore both Lola and Nora and they will have a safe and loving home with us for the rest of their lives, where they will never suffer from neglect or cruelty ever again.