Heath Working

Heath Retired

Heath, formally known as Heathfield Forrester, is a 18.2hh huge and utterly loveable Grey Shire horse who retired after a long and very noble 12 years service in The Royal Parks.
Because of his colour, stature and kind nature, Heath was always the poster boy during his years in service and drew much public attention. In fact, he has many claims to fame, featuring in the Channel Five series ‘Behind the Scenes at Hampton Court Palace’, and twice on ‘Countryfile’!
Heath was predominantly used as a carriage horse alongside fellow grey Shire horse, Nobby, who is a little younger and still learning the ropes, but equally huge in stature. Together, they served at all kinds of major events, including Elizabeth II’s funeral where they collected thousands of beautiful floral tributes left by the public to honour our late Queen. They were also involved in the Platinum Jubilee, Shire Horse Sunday, and the blessing of the plough at Wellington Barracks. As part of his everyday duties, Heath carried out crucial conservation work in London’s green spaces, as well as meeting the public, including his adoring fans, and even providing carriage rides on occasion! During his time working in The Royal Parks, Heath stole many hearts. He was described by his former colleagues as a real gentleman who taught all the youngsters the ropes.
Towards the end of his career, Heath was found to have a weakness in his right shoulder, meaning he could no longer pull carriages. Although sound when not working, he experienced stiffness when stabled and so it was decided that our sanctuary was well matched to Heath’s needs. We are honoured to welcome Heath into our care after many years of noble service.