Empress Working

Empress Retired

Empress is a beautiful black Irish Sport Horse who retired to us in June 2021 after a magnificent 18 years service.
Empress performed State Ceremonial work with the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, serving at many major events during her career. These events included; Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday parade with the RHG/D regiment as a charger, Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday parade as Centre horse for Household Division stables, State Opening of Parliament, State Visits, The Queen’s Life Guard, Royal Weddings and the Diamond Jubilee.
She was said to be a favourite of officers and novice riders alike and was described as ‘bright’, ‘calm’, ‘capable’ and with a ‘willingness to please’. She was also described as ‘bold, placid, a lady and she would do anything first time of asking’. She had a really varied career and is said to have ‘never faltered and always delivered’.
We think this stunning mare is well and truly deserving of her retirement after all her years serving her country.