Bear Before

Bear After

Tiny Bear came to us in 2017 in such a terrible condition it didn’t look like there was much hope for him. He was so weak that he was unable to stand by himself. He’d been left lying on the ground for so long that he was suffering nerve damage on one side of his face and excruciatingly painful eye ulcers. His coat was matted and infested with lice and he was riddled with worms. Bear was rushed to the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) immediately for intensive treatment.
We are really sad to say that due to the extreme cruelty and neglect Bear suffered before coming to us, the difficult decision was made for him to have his eye removed. However, Bear is our little fighter and thanks to the dedication of our supporters and the care provided by the Equine Care Team, he is now fighting fit and loves nothing more than mooching around the paddock with best pal Hamish.
Bear is a much-loved member of The Horse Trust family and will stay with us for the rest of his life, in a safe and secure environment where he will never endure suffering again.