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Leap into 2014 with Saracen Horse Feeds

The Horse Trust would like to thank Saracen Horse Feeds who are helping raise money for the charity at their event in March.
An evening with Saracen Horse Feeds

On Thursday 20th March 2014 at 6pm, Saracen are hosting a fascinating and useful evening of talks and demonstrations.

The event is aimed at riders and will include a unique lecture and demonstration from Russell Guire of Centaur Biomechanics. Russell will help riders to understand how their horses move and function, providing valuable information that can be put straight into practice.

The evening will also include a review of Kissing Spines and associated back pain from Helen Whitbread BVETMED CERT VR MRCVS.

Help The Horse Trust

Saracen will kindly be collecting donations for The Horse Trust during the evening.

Book your space now

A full timetable can be found by following this link. Attendance is free, with donations for The Horse Trust and there are limited spaces available. To book your place, please call Deben Valley Vets on 01728 685 123 or follow the above link for more information.

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