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Information for Laminitis Feature

For more information on The Horse Trust and how it manages laminitis, contact Susan Lewis at The Horse Trust, on 01494 488464 or

To interview Jonathan Elliott, contact the Lucinda Roberts at the Royal Veterinary College press office on 01235 433098 or

The Royal Veterinary College is one of the world’s leading specialist veterinary institutions. It is the largest and oldest independent veterinary school in the UK and an independent College of the Federal University of London. The College provides support for the veterinary profession through its referral hospitals, diagnostic services and continuing professional development courses.

¹ More information on the research can be found in: Bailey SR,  Habershon-Butcher JL, Ransom KJ, Elliott J and Menzies-Gow NJ (2008) Hypertension and insulin resistance in a mixed-breed population of ponies predisposed to laminitis: Further characterizing pre-laminitic metabolic syndrome. AJVR  69;122-9.

² Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps control the blood glucose level. Insulin resistance means that the cells of the body do not respond to the action of insulin, which results in the pancreas producing more insulin to overcome this resistance.

³ Dyslipidaemia is an abnormal concentration of lipids or lipoproteins in the blood.

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