Sometimes, the passing of a beloved superstar comes completely unexpectedly. This happened with dear Rupert,…

Goodnight, Hadrian
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Hadrian, beloved retired Metropolitan Police horse, at the age of 26.
Hadrian, also known as ‘The Nose’ owing to his strong roman nose, served the community with unwavering strength and loyalty, becoming a familiar and cherished presence during his 8 years of service. Whether on duty in the bustling streets of the city or in the quieter moments of rest, Hadrian’s calm demeanour and noble spirit left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him. A real ‘leg in each corner’ type standing at 16.2 hands high, Hadrian participated in all the routine tasks of the Metropolitan mounted unit, such as public order work, football matches and ceremonial duties. Notably, Hadrian assisted in policing the G8 summit, New Years Eve celebrations and countless FA Cup finals across his years working. Originally admitted to us for respite during a period of lameness in 2012, Hadrian was reassessed in consultation with a vet after several months of rest and it was decided that he was no longer suitable for police work. He was then welcomed to fully retire here at The Horse Trust, to live out the rest of his days with our many other equine veterans in the Chiltern Hills.
In retirement, Hadrian enjoyed his well-earned days of peace and care, bringing joy to those around him with his gentle nature and unshakeable warmth. Coming to us already suffering with multiple chronic lameness issues, including osteoarthritis and navicular disease, throughout Hadrian’s retirement these conditions continued to deteriorate despite stellar monitoring and treatment when necessary from our veterinary team. Recently, it was noted that Hadrian was starting to struggle to get around and he was already receiving his maximum pain medication and treatments. Therefore, it was the kindest decision to let Hadrian go peacefully and be free from pain. Having been with us for 12 years, his loss is deeply felt by all who worked with him and loved him.
To our followers, we thank you for joining us in celebrating Hadrian’s life and service. He was not just a horse; he was a true partner, a friend, and a hero who will always be remembered with fondness and respect.
Rest in peace, Hadrian. Your legacy will live on in our hearts forever. HTx
The Horse Trust relies on public donations to continue to provide a forever home to retired military, police, Royal Mews and working horses. If you would like to be part of our story you can find out how below.
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