For this month’s edition of Hay There, we had a chat with Natalie, one of…

Farewell to London’s Bravest Police Horse
It has been a sad week at The Horse Trust as we very suddenly and unexpectedly lost Chiswick (Daniel) one of our retired police horses and a much-loved member of our herd.
Chiswick originally came to us for several months respite back in February 2012. However, after 12 years’ service, he permanently retired from the Metropolitan Police in November 2012. Chiswick was an exceptional horse who showed outstanding bravery during his career. Even jumping burning barricade during the student riots in 2010. Handsome 17.3hh bay gelding Chiswick was no stranger to the limelight and has acted as mounted escort to the Queen’s Life Guard, Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace and the Royal Wedding in 2011. He also held the position of a “Pointer” during State Funerals where he was ridden by the Inspector of the Mounted Branch, attended the London 2012 Olympics and even featured in the 2002 Bond film ‘Die Another Day’
Chiswick had recently been referred to the Royal Veterinary College for treatment for an infection in his teeth and sinuses. Having made a full recovery from his dental and sinus problems he suddenly became extremely ill. The staff and vets did absolutely everything they could but he was in so much pain and distress the incredibly difficult decision to put him to sleep had to be made. His vets believe that the most likely cause of his sudden deterioration was a tumor of some kind pressing on his gut and eventually completely constricting it. Nothing more could be done for him except to relieve him of his pain and give him a quiet comfortable goodbye in the company of people who loved him.
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