The Horse Trust currently provides emergency responder training for first responders from: The Fire and Rescue Service, Police and Highways England. The Horse Trust works in partnership with British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association BARTA to develop bespoke courses to meet the needs of Emergency Services and other frontline agencies who encounter horses in their everyday activities, to enable a standardised approach and understanding.

Loose animals in any road network related incidents are dangerous both for first responders, members of the public and animal welfare. It is also recognised that large animal rescue is one of the most dangerous activities emergency responders will be engaged in and so bespoke specialised training is essential.
All courses are specifically designed around the first responders job role and what they are likely to face. Emphasis is placed on reducing anxiety and minimising further stress by having an awareness of how horses react during dynamic and frightening situations.
The attendees cover the essential elements of horse behaviour they then apply these skills practically in realistic operational scenarios involving horses. This training is a major step forward in organisational planning to reduce the challenges animals place on First Responders, to safeguard the public and to ultimately improve horse welfare.
The Horse Trust works in partnership with The British Animal Rescue and Trauma Association (BARTA) to deliver these bespoke courses.
Find out more about our training courses for equine professionals.
Testimonials from learners who have completed emergency responder training with The Horse Trust:
Traffic Officer, Highways England
Excellent day, I really enjoyed it. I definitely feel more confident in dealing with animals, great practical sessions.
Police Officer, Thames Valley Police
This is training that should be offered to far more officers, as it’s an area most have little expertise in. A great, informative day.
Firefighter, Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue
Excellent training by well-informed, qualified staff.