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Clinical Animal Behaviour Webinar

Clinical Animal Behaviour Webinar

Are you working towards becoming a registered equine Clinical Animal Behaviourist? Are you interested in equine behaviour and approaches used to manage behaviour problems? If the answer is yes, then The Horse Trust’s equine Clinical Animal Behaviour webinars are for you!

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Join us for a fantastic webinar with ABTC registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist, Dr Helen Spence, who will be discussing a case involving a newly purchased horse, whose spooky behaviour and bucking resulted in a fall and injury to the rider.

Helen will discuss how she used differential diagnosis to assess the horse’s behaviour, and the subsequent diagnosis of kissing spines, which required surgery. In this webinar, Helen will help attendees further develop their understanding of the complexity of interaction between pain and behaviour, and how fixing one does not necessarily automatically fix the other. Rehabilitation in this case was not straight forward and she will help attendees recognise behavioural indicators of equine fatigue and discomfort during rehabilitation training, and how these can be used to inform the pace of progress.

Date: Thursday 5th May

Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm including Q&A

Cost: £10

If you can’t attend live, the webinar will be recorded and delegates will have 3 months to watch the recording.

This webinar has been approved for:

– 1 CPD point for British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coaches. To have your BHS membership record updated, you must complete the BHS’s online feedback form after viewing the webinar

– 1.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) with the International Association for Animal Behaviour Consultants (IAABC). To have your IAABC CEU record updated you must complete a short quiz after watching the webinar in order to receive your CEU code.

About Helen

Dr Helen Spence has been seeing equine behaviour cases since 2003, alongside coaching riding and lecturing in psychology and equine behaviour and welfare to post graduate level at a range of universities. She graduated with a degree in Psychology in 1999 and went on to complete a PhD looking at ‘The influence of owner personality and attitude on the behaviour and temperament of the domestic horse’. In more recent years she was delighted to be accepted as a full member of the APBC and is now on the ABTC register as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist (Equine). Helen’s favourite place is her outdoor office, working hands on with her clients and her own horses. She has a particular interest in working with breeders and trainers of young horses, with a focus on problem prevention, rather than problem treatment! Further information about her work and online courses can be found at

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