For this month’s edition of Hay There, we had a chat with Natalie, one of…

Abandoned Foal Finds New Home Through The Horse Trust’s Rehoming Scheme
Yearling Dillon, who was rescued earlier this year, has been found a new home thanks to an equine rehoming scheme run by The Horse Trust based in Speen, Buckinghamshire.
Dillon, a 12hh iron grey yearling was abandoned in London Colney Hertfordshire last February. He had been dumped to die, but was luckily found by chance. His owner has never been traced.
Liane Crowther, Welfare and Education Officer at The Horse Trust said “When Dillon was found, he was at death’s door. He was skinny, emaciated and subdued. The RSPCA inspector didn’t think he would make it as he was so blue”
Dillon was unable to stand on his own for over a week when he arrived at The Horse Trust. He also had a high worm burden and wasn’t interested in eating.
During his time at the Horse Trust, Dillon made a good recovery. “We didn’t have to do anything special to help him recover” said Liane “all he needed was food, water and some TLC. He now has a good body weight and is feeding well.”
Former Veterinary nurse Alison Pink, from South Buckinghamshire, saw Dillon at the Horse Trust and decided to offer him a new home, as she was looking for a friend for her ten-year-old mare Mouse.
“I decided to rehome Dillon because Mouse needed a friend,” said Alison. “I wanted a horse who was unbroken and young, who I could bring on and train to ride. I wanted to take on a rescue horse rather than buying one as there are so many horses that need a new home.”
“When my husband Tim and I saw Dillon for the first time, it was a poignant and emotional moment. He just seemed perfect and reminded me of another rescue horse we had in the past,” said Alison.
“I was delighted to be able to give Dillon a home.”
Dillon, arrived at his new home in August and has been getting to know his new friends. “Dillon has settled in really well,” said Alison. “My horse Mouse is already in love with him and is acting like his mum. They have been grooming and scratching each other’s necks and are happy out together in the field.”
“Dillon is lovely and totally trusts people, which is bizarre given the start he had,” said Alison. “His general demeanour is testament to The Horse Trust. They have such a brilliant process of rehabilitation, providing routine and stability for the horses, surrounding them with love and gentle trust and getting them used to being handled.”
Liane, who manages the rehoming scheme, said: “We are over the moon that Dillon has found such a loving home. Who would ever have thought that he would make such a fantastic recovery. Just six months ago he had given up the will to live and was unable to stand without help from our grooms. He is a real testament to the loving care given here in abundance at The Horse Trust.”
Liane continued, “Dillon was very popular with all of the staff here, especially his groom Matt Bradley. He had a big send-off when he left us – all of the staff came out and there were lots of tears. He will be missed, but we are looking forward to visiting him in his new home.”
The Horse Trust’s rehoming scheme operates within a 50 mile radius of the sanctuary. All horses and potential homes are visited to assess their suitability and the charity regularly visits the rehomed horse to ensure it is receiving an appropriate standard of care.
“I would thoroughly recommend The Horse Trust’s rehoming scheme,” said Alison. “They have an efficient and positive approach and are thorough in matching the right owner to the right horse.”
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