Walter Before
Walter After
Walter arrived here at The Horse Trust with crippling laminitis and horrific bruising on his feet.
Walter had been on the RSPCA’s radar for two years as his owner struggled to meet his needs properly. The RSPCA offered as much support and advice as they could to the owner but ultimately, he had to be removed and brought into our care. Luckily, Walter arrived just before the rich spring grass really came through, which could have worsened his condition without proper management. Walter was prescribed significant pain relief during his first few days following his arrival, just to recover from the journey to us.
Walter may be the correct weight now, but his laminitis will reoccur if we don’t manage him and the condition correctly.
Never-the-less Walter is incredibly friendly and with your support we can continue on with the long-term care needed to ensure he remains comfortable and happy!
Walter spends a lot of his time hanging out with the other Shetlands in the paddock and also enjoys coming in to the stables to meet and greet visitors!