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Troy joins Henry in the clouds

The Horse Trust had to say goodbye to our beloved donkey Troy in November 2015.

After something in the region of 50 years of living life to the full, our treasured donkey Troy passed away. She was an institution here and none of us can quite believe she’s finally gone. We thought we might lose her when her long term partner Henry died a couple of years ago but after a worrying week, she picked up and became best buddies with our very own Uncle George.

Troy came to us from the Donkey Sanctuary 15 years ago and her incredibly cheeky ways soon won everyone’s hearts. Troy had a cheeky personality and literally got everywhere, offices, gardens, even one of the houses here! She hated being clipped and only her groom Matt could ever get near her with the clippers. Troy was also a bit reluctant about having her enormous fluffy ears touched, but she loved a fuss from visitors and even with very few teeth left, she loved her special treat of ginger biscuits.

Given the choice between a lush lawn and a nettle covered bramble, Troy always went for the bramble, teeth or no! Troy’s amazingly long life finally drew to a close, peacefully after a cosy afternoon in a stable with Uncle George and with Matt with her at the end. Bye bye beautiful lady, you may have been tiny but you were a huge character and everyone loved you. Say hi to old Henry for us, we bet he’s happy to see you. Rest now old girl, you’ve earned it.

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